Unit 2 Vocabulary Test (Covers: Lessons 6-10) 001. Choose the closest match: a. Index-[he/she/it]b. UNDERSTANDc. PLEASEd. Pronoun-[we/us] 002. Choose the closest match: a. Index-those/they/themb. NOc. WHEREd. WHAT 003. Choose the closest match: a. LEARNb. TEACHERc. MEETd. MEANING 004. Choose the closest match: a. MEANINGb. TEACHc. LEARNd. UNDERSTAND 005. Choose the closest match: a. MEET-youb. THANK-youc. GIVE-to-youd. YOUR 006. Choose the closest match: a. DAUGHTERb. SISTERc. BROTHERd. WOMAN 007. Choose the closest match: a. TEACHb. LEARNc. WOMANd. MARRY 008. Choose the closest match: a. SPELLb. RIGHTc. NICEd. SLOW 009. Choose the closest match: a. HAVEb. ADDRESS (live, life)c. WHEREd. HERE 010. Choose the closest match: a. CHILDb. FROMc. HEREd. SINGLE (someone, something) 011. Choose the closest match: a. WHATb. HEREc. MARRYd. ALL 012. Choose the closest match: a. NEED (must, have to, should, ought)b. HEREc. WHEREd. SCHOOL 013. Choose the closest match: a. LARGE (big, huge)b. HAPPYc. SISTERd. WOMAN 014. Choose the closest match: a. WHYb. LEARNc. KNOWd. THINK 015. Choose the closest match: a. MOREb. MARRYc. MEETd. AND 016. Choose the closest match: a. WASHb. WORKc. LOVEd. JAIL 017. Choose the closest match: a. FROMb. EXCUSEc. FORd. WHICH 018. Choose the closest match: a. FRIENDLYb. FUNc. LIKEd. HAPPY 019. Choose the closest match: a. FRIENDb. MARRIEDc. LIFEd. BROTHER 020. Choose the closest match: a. FINEb. MOREc. FEELd. RAISED 021. Choose the closest match: a. CAN-(possible)b. NEEDc. WANTd. MORE 022. Choose the closest match: a. SHOESb. MARRIEDc. CHURCHd. WITH (together) (The fingertips swing forward and back a couple times.) 023. Choose the closest match: a. STOREb. CHURCHc. SCHOOLd. HERE 024. Choose the closest match: a. DORMb. DUTYc. DOCTORd. DOG 025. Choose the closest match: a. CHOCOLATEb. COMPUTER (version)c. COWd. STUPID 026. Choose the closest match: a. NOW (current, today)b. PLAYc. STAYd. HERE 027. Choose the closest match: a. ORANGEb. APPLEc. COFFEEd. SECRET 028. Choose the closest match: a. WANTb. EXCUSEc. STOPd. PAST (before) (All four fingers flutter on or near the chin.) 029. Choose the closest match: a. WATERb. COLORc. WHOd. ORANGE 030. Choose the closest match: a. WHEREb. MARRIEDc. WHICHd. WHEN (This sign moves from right to left, and changes into an X twice.) 031. Choose the closest match: a. DRYb. SOUPc. CEREALd. BRUSH-TEETH 032. Choose the closest match: a. INTERNETb. BEDROOMc. NAMEd. EGG 033. Choose the closest match: a. SHOESb. HOTDOG (bologna, sausage)c. STOREd. HOME 034. Choose the closest match: a. FULLb. HELPc. FIREd. MOVIE 035. Choose the closest match: a. WISH (hungry)b. CHURCHc. COMPUTERd. CAN 036. Choose the closest match: a. FINISHb. LONGc. SOCKSd. GREEN 037. Choose the closest match: a. COLORb. DIRTYc. WATERd. WAIT 038. Choose the closest match: a. CHANGEb. SOCKSc. DRAWd. TOMORROW 039. Choose the closest match: a. MARRIEDb. LIVEc. COATd. TOGETHER 040. Choose the closest match: a. DIRTYb. WASHING-MACHINE (laundry)c. CHANGEd. WHEN 041. Choose the closest match: a. DOORb. BATHROOMc. BROTHERd. STOP 042. Choose the closest match: a. NOWb. MOVIEc. DOORd. WINDOW (The "A" hand moves in a circle under the flat hand.) 043. Choose the closest match: a. HELPb. APPLEc. BASEMENTd. PAPER 044. Choose the closest match: a. 3-MONTHSb. EGGc. CHEESEd. GARAGE (The "K" hands circle around each other.) 045. Choose the closest match: a. WHENb. WHICH c. WHAT-KINDd. WHERE 046. Choose the closest match: a. BUGb. APPLE c. ORANGE d. didn't-SEE 047. Choose the closest match: a. TRUE (sure, real)b. TELLc. FALSEd. CANDY 048. Choose the closest match: a. LIGHTSb. YELLOWc. PLAYd. LOOK-LIKE 049. Choose the closest match: a. TELLb. TRUE (real, sure)c. BIRDd. RED 050. Choose the closest match: a. TEACHb. LEARNc. THINKd. KNOW Name E-mail READY TO SUBMIT: I have filled out the above information. I have double checked to make sure each question is marked.
Unit 2 Vocabulary Test (Covers: Lessons 6-10)
001. Choose the closest match: a. Index-[he/she/it]b. UNDERSTANDc. PLEASEd. Pronoun-[we/us]
002. Choose the closest match: a. Index-those/they/themb. NOc. WHEREd. WHAT
003. Choose the closest match: a. LEARNb. TEACHERc. MEETd. MEANING
004. Choose the closest match: a. MEANINGb. TEACHc. LEARNd. UNDERSTAND
005. Choose the closest match: a. MEET-youb. THANK-youc. GIVE-to-youd. YOUR
006. Choose the closest match: a. DAUGHTERb. SISTERc. BROTHERd. WOMAN
007. Choose the closest match: a. TEACHb. LEARNc. WOMANd. MARRY
008. Choose the closest match: a. SPELLb. RIGHTc. NICEd. SLOW
009. Choose the closest match: a. HAVEb. ADDRESS (live, life)c. WHEREd. HERE
010. Choose the closest match: a. CHILDb. FROMc. HEREd. SINGLE (someone, something)
011. Choose the closest match: a. WHATb. HEREc. MARRYd. ALL
012. Choose the closest match: a. NEED (must, have to, should, ought)b. HEREc. WHEREd. SCHOOL
013. Choose the closest match: a. LARGE (big, huge)b. HAPPYc. SISTERd. WOMAN
014. Choose the closest match: a. WHYb. LEARNc. KNOWd. THINK
015. Choose the closest match: a. MOREb. MARRYc. MEETd. AND
016. Choose the closest match: a. WASHb. WORKc. LOVEd. JAIL
017. Choose the closest match: a. FROMb. EXCUSEc. FORd. WHICH
018. Choose the closest match: a. FRIENDLYb. FUNc. LIKEd. HAPPY
019. Choose the closest match: a. FRIENDb. MARRIEDc. LIFEd. BROTHER
020. Choose the closest match: a. FINEb. MOREc. FEELd. RAISED
021. Choose the closest match: a. CAN-(possible)b. NEEDc. WANTd. MORE
022. Choose the closest match: a. SHOESb. MARRIEDc. CHURCHd. WITH (together)
(The fingertips swing forward and back a couple times.) 023. Choose the closest match: a. STOREb. CHURCHc. SCHOOLd. HERE
024. Choose the closest match: a. DORMb. DUTYc. DOCTORd. DOG
025. Choose the closest match: a. CHOCOLATEb. COMPUTER (version)c. COWd. STUPID
026. Choose the closest match: a. NOW (current, today)b. PLAYc. STAYd. HERE
027. Choose the closest match: a. ORANGEb. APPLEc. COFFEEd. SECRET
028. Choose the closest match: a. WANTb. EXCUSEc. STOPd. PAST (before)
(All four fingers flutter on or near the chin.) 029. Choose the closest match: a. WATERb. COLORc. WHOd. ORANGE
030. Choose the closest match: a. WHEREb. MARRIEDc. WHICHd. WHEN
(This sign moves from right to left, and changes into an X twice.) 031. Choose the closest match: a. DRYb. SOUPc. CEREALd. BRUSH-TEETH
032. Choose the closest match: a. INTERNETb. BEDROOMc. NAMEd. EGG
033. Choose the closest match: a. SHOESb. HOTDOG (bologna, sausage)c. STOREd. HOME
034. Choose the closest match: a. FULLb. HELPc. FIREd. MOVIE
035. Choose the closest match: a. WISH (hungry)b. CHURCHc. COMPUTERd. CAN
036. Choose the closest match: a. FINISHb. LONGc. SOCKSd. GREEN
037. Choose the closest match: a. COLORb. DIRTYc. WATERd. WAIT
038. Choose the closest match: a. CHANGEb. SOCKSc. DRAWd. TOMORROW
039. Choose the closest match: a. MARRIEDb. LIVEc. COATd. TOGETHER
040. Choose the closest match: a. DIRTYb. WASHING-MACHINE (laundry)c. CHANGEd. WHEN
041. Choose the closest match: a. DOORb. BATHROOMc. BROTHERd. STOP
042. Choose the closest match: a. NOWb. MOVIEc. DOORd. WINDOW
(The "A" hand moves in a circle under the flat hand.) 043. Choose the closest match: a. HELPb. APPLEc. BASEMENTd. PAPER
044. Choose the closest match: a. 3-MONTHSb. EGGc. CHEESEd. GARAGE
(The "K" hands circle around each other.) 045. Choose the closest match: a. WHENb. WHICH c. WHAT-KINDd. WHERE
046. Choose the closest match: a. BUGb. APPLE c. ORANGE d. didn't-SEE
047. Choose the closest match: a. TRUE (sure, real)b. TELLc. FALSEd. CANDY
048. Choose the closest match: a. LIGHTSb. YELLOWc. PLAYd. LOOK-LIKE
049. Choose the closest match: a. TELLb. TRUE (real, sure)c. BIRDd. RED
050. Choose the closest match: a. TEACHb. LEARNc. THINKd. KNOW
READY TO SUBMIT: I have filled out the above information. I have double checked to make sure each question is marked.