Unit 3 Vocabulary Test (Covers Lessons 11-15) 001. Choose the closest match: a. NEVERb. UNDERSTANDc. PLEASEd. Pronoun-[we/us] 002. Choose the closest match: a. Index-those/they/themb. NOc. WHEREd. CAN'T 003. Choose the closest match: a. MAKEb. TEACHERc. MEETd. MEANING 004. Choose the closest match: a. FORb. TEACHc. LEARNd. UNDERSTAND 005. Choose the closest match: a. MEET-youb. THANK-youc. GIVE-to-youd. BUT 006. Choose the closest match: a. DAUGHTERb. DAYc. ABOUT (APPROXIMATELY)d. WOMAN 007. Choose the closest match: a. TEACHb. LEARNc. SOMETIMESd. MONTH 008. Choose the closest match: a. ANYb. RIGHTc. NICEd. SLOW 009. Choose the closest match: a. HAVEb. ADDRESS (live, life)c. WHEREd. HERE 010. Choose the closest match: a. CHILDb. FROMc. HEREd. SINGLE (someone, something) 011. Choose the closest match: a. WHATb. MONTHc. MARRYd. ALL 012. Choose the closest match: a. NEED (must, have to, should, ought)b. HEREc. WHEREd. SCHOOL 013. Choose the closest match: a. LARGE (big, huge)b. HAPPYc. SISTERd. WEEK 014. Choose the closest match: a. DAYb. MORNINGc. AFTERNOONd. THINK 015. Choose the closest match: a. MOREb. MARRYc. MEETd. AND Do a very quick twitch of the right hand in an "index finger" handshape. The movement is from the wrist and pivots on the heel of the other hand. Remember, the movement is small and quick. Hint: It could be interpreted two different ways. 016. Choose the closest match: a. WASHb. MINUTE or SECONDc. LOVEd. JAIL 017. Choose the closest match: a. FROMb. EXCUSEc. FORd. WHICH 018. Choose the closest match: a. FRIENDLYb. FUNc. LIKEd. YESTERDAY 019. Choose the closest match: a. FRIENDb. MARRIEDc. LIFEd. BROTHER 020. Choose the closest match: a. FINEb. WEEKENDc. FEELd. RAISED 021. Choose the closest match: a. CAN-(possible)b. NEEDc. WANTd. MORE 022. Choose the closest match: a. SHOESb. MARRIEDc. CHURCHd. SINGLE (SOMEONE, SOMETHING) (The fingertips swing forward and back a couple times.) 023. Choose the closest match: a. STOREb. KNOWc. SCHOOLd. HERE 024. Choose the closest match: a. DORMb. DUTYc. DOCTORd. TRUE 025. Choose the closest match: a. CHOCOLATEb. COMPUTER (version)c. GETd. STUPID 026. Choose the closest match: a. NOW (current, today)b. PLAYc. STAYd. HERE 027. Choose the closest match: a. ORANGEb. APPLEc. MAKEd. SECRET 028. Choose the closest match: a. WANTb. EXCUSEc. STOPd. HARD (All four fingers flutter on or near the chin.) 029. Choose the closest match: a. WATERb. COLORc. WHOd. ORANGE 030. Choose the closest match: a. WHEREb. MARRIEDc. WHICHd. WHEN (This sign moves from right to left, and changes into an X twice.) 031. Choose the closest match: a. DRYb. SOUPc. CEREALd. BRUSH-TEETH 032. Choose the closest match: a. INTERNETb. BEDROOMc. NAMEd. EGG 033. Choose the closest match: a. SHOESb. HOTDOG (bologna, sausage)c. STOREd. HOME 034. Choose the closest match: a. FULLb. HELPc. FIREd. MOVIE 035. Choose the closest match: a. WISH (hungry)b. AUTUMNc. COMPUTERd. CAN 036. Choose the closest match: a. FINISHb. LONGc. SOCKSd. GREEN 037. Choose the closest match: a. COLORb. DIRTYc. ENJOYd. WAIT 038. Choose the closest match: a. CHANGEb. SOCKSc. DRAWd. TOMORROW 039. Choose the closest match: a. MALEb. SUMMERc. BLACKd. TOGETHER 040. Choose the closest match: a. DIRTYb. WASHING-MACHINE (laundry)c. COOLd. WHEN 041. Choose the closest match: a. DOORb. PRINTERc. BROTHERd. DOCTOR 042. Choose the closest match: a. NOWb. MOVIEc. DOORd. WINDOW 043. Choose the closest match: a. HELPb. NEIGHBORc. BASEMENTd. PAPER 044. Choose the closest match: a. 3-MONTHSb. SERVERc. CHEESEd. GARAGE 045. Choose the closest match: a. WHENb. WHICH c. WHAT-KINDd. SECRETARY 046. Choose the closest match: a. BUGb. STEP-FATHER c. ORANGE d. didn't-SEE Be careful on this one: 047. Choose the closest match: a. TRUE (sure, real)b. TELLc. FALSEd. CANDY 048. Choose the closest match: a. myb. myselfc. med. LOOK-LIKE 049. Choose the closest match: a. TELLb. TRUE (real, sure)c. BIRDd. RED 050. Choose the closest match: a. TEACHb. LEARNc. THINKd. PICTURE Name E-mail READY TO SUBMIT: I have filled out the above information. I have double checked to make sure each question is marked.
Unit 3 Vocabulary Test (Covers Lessons 11-15)
001. Choose the closest match: a. NEVERb. UNDERSTANDc. PLEASEd. Pronoun-[we/us]
002. Choose the closest match: a. Index-those/they/themb. NOc. WHEREd. CAN'T
003. Choose the closest match: a. MAKEb. TEACHERc. MEETd. MEANING
004. Choose the closest match: a. FORb. TEACHc. LEARNd. UNDERSTAND
005. Choose the closest match: a. MEET-youb. THANK-youc. GIVE-to-youd. BUT
006. Choose the closest match: a. DAUGHTERb. DAYc. ABOUT (APPROXIMATELY)d. WOMAN
007. Choose the closest match: a. TEACHb. LEARNc. SOMETIMESd. MONTH
008. Choose the closest match: a. ANYb. RIGHTc. NICEd. SLOW
009. Choose the closest match: a. HAVEb. ADDRESS (live, life)c. WHEREd. HERE
010. Choose the closest match: a. CHILDb. FROMc. HEREd. SINGLE (someone, something)
011. Choose the closest match: a. WHATb. MONTHc. MARRYd. ALL
012. Choose the closest match: a. NEED (must, have to, should, ought)b. HEREc. WHEREd. SCHOOL
013. Choose the closest match: a. LARGE (big, huge)b. HAPPYc. SISTERd. WEEK
014. Choose the closest match: a. DAYb. MORNINGc. AFTERNOONd. THINK
015. Choose the closest match: a. MOREb. MARRYc. MEETd. AND
Do a very quick twitch of the right hand in an "index finger" handshape. The movement is from the wrist and pivots on the heel of the other hand. Remember, the movement is small and quick. Hint: It could be interpreted two different ways. 016. Choose the closest match: a. WASHb. MINUTE or SECONDc. LOVEd. JAIL
017. Choose the closest match: a. FROMb. EXCUSEc. FORd. WHICH
018. Choose the closest match: a. FRIENDLYb. FUNc. LIKEd. YESTERDAY
019. Choose the closest match: a. FRIENDb. MARRIEDc. LIFEd. BROTHER
020. Choose the closest match: a. FINEb. WEEKENDc. FEELd. RAISED
021. Choose the closest match: a. CAN-(possible)b. NEEDc. WANTd. MORE
022. Choose the closest match: a. SHOESb. MARRIEDc. CHURCHd. SINGLE (SOMEONE, SOMETHING)
(The fingertips swing forward and back a couple times.) 023. Choose the closest match: a. STOREb. KNOWc. SCHOOLd. HERE
024. Choose the closest match: a. DORMb. DUTYc. DOCTORd. TRUE
025. Choose the closest match: a. CHOCOLATEb. COMPUTER (version)c. GETd. STUPID
026. Choose the closest match: a. NOW (current, today)b. PLAYc. STAYd. HERE
027. Choose the closest match: a. ORANGEb. APPLEc. MAKEd. SECRET
028. Choose the closest match: a. WANTb. EXCUSEc. STOPd. HARD
(All four fingers flutter on or near the chin.) 029. Choose the closest match: a. WATERb. COLORc. WHOd. ORANGE
030. Choose the closest match: a. WHEREb. MARRIEDc. WHICHd. WHEN
(This sign moves from right to left, and changes into an X twice.) 031. Choose the closest match: a. DRYb. SOUPc. CEREALd. BRUSH-TEETH
032. Choose the closest match: a. INTERNETb. BEDROOMc. NAMEd. EGG
033. Choose the closest match: a. SHOESb. HOTDOG (bologna, sausage)c. STOREd. HOME
034. Choose the closest match: a. FULLb. HELPc. FIREd. MOVIE
035. Choose the closest match: a. WISH (hungry)b. AUTUMNc. COMPUTERd. CAN
036. Choose the closest match: a. FINISHb. LONGc. SOCKSd. GREEN
037. Choose the closest match: a. COLORb. DIRTYc. ENJOYd. WAIT
038. Choose the closest match: a. CHANGEb. SOCKSc. DRAWd. TOMORROW
039. Choose the closest match: a. MALEb. SUMMERc. BLACKd. TOGETHER
040. Choose the closest match: a. DIRTYb. WASHING-MACHINE (laundry)c. COOLd. WHEN
041. Choose the closest match: a. DOORb. PRINTERc. BROTHERd. DOCTOR
042. Choose the closest match: a. NOWb. MOVIEc. DOORd. WINDOW
043. Choose the closest match: a. HELPb. NEIGHBORc. BASEMENTd. PAPER
044. Choose the closest match: a. 3-MONTHSb. SERVERc. CHEESEd. GARAGE
045. Choose the closest match: a. WHENb. WHICH c. WHAT-KINDd. SECRETARY
046. Choose the closest match: a. BUGb. STEP-FATHER c. ORANGE d. didn't-SEE
Be careful on this one: 047. Choose the closest match: a. TRUE (sure, real)b. TELLc. FALSEd. CANDY
048. Choose the closest match: a. myb. myselfc. med. LOOK-LIKE
049. Choose the closest match: a. TELLb. TRUE (real, sure)c. BIRDd. RED
050. Choose the closest match: a. TEACHb. LEARNc. THINKd. PICTURE
READY TO SUBMIT: I have filled out the above information. I have double checked to make sure each question is marked.