Quiz instructions: Watch the video and choose the closest match for each question. Lesson 05 Quiz 001. Choose the closest match: a. HOW-MUCH-[cost]b. PAINTc. SUCCEED-[success]d. WOW 002. Choose the closest match: a. MONEYb. MECHANIC / PLUMBERc. DENTISTd. CENTS 003. Choose the closest match: a. DECLINE/deteriorate-[opposite_of_improve]b. EASTc. MATHd. TAKE-AWAY 004. Choose the closest match: a. add-tob. RETIREc. SENIORd. SILVER 005. Choose the closest match: a. RESUMEb. less-thanc. FIRE-[terminate]d. BRING-[carry] 006. Choose the closest match: a. ARMYb. EARNc. JUNIORd. PLAY 007. Choose the closest match: a. DIVIDEb. MISCHIEVOUSc. NEAR-[close]d. WORSE-[figure, times] 008. Choose the closest match: a. SOUTHb. PLUS-[positive]c. DOLLARd. BOOKSTORE 009. Choose the closest match: a. BUSINESSb. COSTc. DANCEd. MOVE 010. Choose the closest match: a. COSTb. FAILc. PAYd. PREACH > MISSIONARY 011. Choose the closest match: a. MANAGER / ADMINISTRATORb. limitc. LEFTd. DECREASE 012. Choose the closest match: a. COME-ONb. LAW / legalc. TELLER-fsd. WRENCH 013. Choose the closest match: a. DORMb. FREEc. Principled. Restaurant 014. Choose the closest match: a. WORRYb. SUPERVISORc. post-officed. OFFICE 015. Choose the closest match: a. DURING-[while]b. FAR-[A hand]c. Ruled. SHUT-DOWN-[power-outage, power-off, turn-off, blow-out] 016. Choose the closest match: a. areab. KEEPc. LETTER-maild. SOPHOMORE 017. Choose the closest match: a. SHOW-[demonstrate]b. RIGHTc. OTHER-[else]d. EXPLAIN-[describe, directions] 018. Choose the closest match: a. FIELD-[all-over, -dom, -HOOD, land, area, -ground]b. ENOUGHc. more-thand. STRANGE 019. Choose the closest match: a. GOVERNMENTb. HOW-MUCH-[cost]c. perfectd. SUCCEED-[success] 020. Choose the closest match: a. TAKE-CARE-OFb. NUMBERc. MECHANIC / PLUMBERd. CENTS 021. Choose the closest match: a. DECLINE-[opposite_of_improve]b. INCREASEc. POST-[put up a poster]d. TAKE-AWAY 022. Choose the closest match: a. BORROWb. CONTROL-MANAGE-[administration, reign, rule-over]c. RETIREd. SILVER 023. Choose the closest match: a. SENDb. FLUNKc. FIRE-[terminate]d. BRING-[carry] 024. Choose the closest match: a. ARMYb. EARNc. EXACTd. fast-[quick] 025. Choose the closest match: a. BROKE-[financially]b. figure-outc. MISCHIEVOUSd. NEAR-[close] 026. Choose the closest match: a. HURRY-[rush]-hurryingb. DOLLARc. BOOKSTOREd. ACCEPT 027. Choose the closest match: a. BUSINESSb. HAIR-CUTc. REGISTERd. THAN 028. Choose the closest match: a. APPLYb. FAILc. PREACH > MISSIONARYd. SUBSCRIBE-[get-regularly, SSI, welfare] 029. Choose the closest match: a. NORTHb. MANAGER / ADMINISTRATORc. limitd. CAFETERIA 030. Choose the closest match: a. LAW / legalb. MAIL-[a piece of mail or a letter]c. PARKING-LOTd. TELLER-fs Double movement: 031. Choose the closest match: a. ALTOGETHER-[total, sum]b. FREEc. PASTOR / PRIESTd. Restaurant 032. Choose the closest match: a. SUPERVISORb. post-officec. PASSd. FLY > PILOT 033. Choose the closest match: a. BUY, purchaseb. DURING-[while]c. FAR-[A hand]d. PAINT 034. Choose the closest match: a. DENTISTb. FISHc. KEEPd. SOPHOMORE 035. Choose the closest match: a. SHOW-[demonstrate]b. RIGHTc. EASTd. EARLY 036. Choose the closest match: a. good-enoughb. more-thanc. SENIORd. too-much 037. Choose the closest match: a. ENOUGHb. GOVERNMENTc. less-thand. perfect 038. Choose the closest match: a. TAKE-CARE-OFb. PLAYc. NUMBERd. HIRE-[invite, welcome] 039. Choose the closest match: a. FAR-[ Index finger]-[distant]b. INCREASEc. POST-[put up a poster]d. WORSE-[figure, times] 040. Choose the closest match: a. BORROWb. CONTROL-MANAGE-[administration, reign, rule-over]c. PLUS-[positive]d. STUDY 041. Choose the closest match: a. SENDb. MOVEc. FLUNKd. FAST-[speed] 042. Choose the closest match: a. ENGLISHb. EXACTc. fast-[quick]d. PAY 043. Choose the closest match: a. BROKE-[financially]b. figure-outc. LEFTd. LOAN-[lend] 044. Choose the closest match: a. HURRY-[rush]-hurryingb. FRONTc. COME-ONd. ACCEPT 045. Choose the closest match: a. DORMb. EQUALc. HAIR-CUTd. REGISTER 046. Choose the closest match: a. APARTMENTb. APPLYc. OFFICEd. SUBSCRIBE-[get-regularly, SSI, welfare] 047. Choose the closest match: a. SHUT-DOWN-[power-outage, power-off, turn-off, blow-out]b. NORTHc. DON'T-MINDd. CAFETERIA 048. Choose the closest match: a. IMPROVEb. LETTER-mailc. PAPERd. PARKING-LOT 049. Choose the closest match: a. ALTOGETHER-[total, sum]b. OTHER-[else]c. PASTOR / PRIESTd. WEST 050. Choose the closest match: a. PASSb. FRESHMANc. FLYd. FIELD-[all-over, -dom, -HOOD, land, area, -ground] Name E-mail READY TO SUBMIT: I have filled out the above information. I have double checked to make sure each question is marked.
Quiz instructions: Watch the video and choose the closest match for each question. Lesson 05 Quiz
001. Choose the closest match: a. HOW-MUCH-[cost]b. PAINTc. SUCCEED-[success]d. WOW
002. Choose the closest match: a. MONEYb. MECHANIC / PLUMBERc. DENTISTd. CENTS
003. Choose the closest match: a. DECLINE/deteriorate-[opposite_of_improve]b. EASTc. MATHd. TAKE-AWAY
004. Choose the closest match: a. add-tob. RETIREc. SENIORd. SILVER
005. Choose the closest match: a. RESUMEb. less-thanc. FIRE-[terminate]d. BRING-[carry]
006. Choose the closest match: a. ARMYb. EARNc. JUNIORd. PLAY
007. Choose the closest match: a. DIVIDEb. MISCHIEVOUSc. NEAR-[close]d. WORSE-[figure, times]
008. Choose the closest match: a. SOUTHb. PLUS-[positive]c. DOLLARd. BOOKSTORE
009. Choose the closest match: a. BUSINESSb. COSTc. DANCEd. MOVE
010. Choose the closest match: a. COSTb. FAILc. PAYd. PREACH > MISSIONARY
011. Choose the closest match: a. MANAGER / ADMINISTRATORb. limitc. LEFTd. DECREASE
012. Choose the closest match: a. COME-ONb. LAW / legalc. TELLER-fsd. WRENCH
013. Choose the closest match: a. DORMb. FREEc. Principled. Restaurant
014. Choose the closest match: a. WORRYb. SUPERVISORc. post-officed. OFFICE
015. Choose the closest match: a. DURING-[while]b. FAR-[A hand]c. Ruled. SHUT-DOWN-[power-outage, power-off, turn-off, blow-out]
016. Choose the closest match: a. areab. KEEPc. LETTER-maild. SOPHOMORE
017. Choose the closest match: a. SHOW-[demonstrate]b. RIGHTc. OTHER-[else]d. EXPLAIN-[describe, directions]
018. Choose the closest match: a. FIELD-[all-over, -dom, -HOOD, land, area, -ground]b. ENOUGHc. more-thand. STRANGE
019. Choose the closest match: a. GOVERNMENTb. HOW-MUCH-[cost]c. perfectd. SUCCEED-[success]
020. Choose the closest match: a. TAKE-CARE-OFb. NUMBERc. MECHANIC / PLUMBERd. CENTS
021. Choose the closest match: a. DECLINE-[opposite_of_improve]b. INCREASEc. POST-[put up a poster]d. TAKE-AWAY
022. Choose the closest match: a. BORROWb. CONTROL-MANAGE-[administration, reign, rule-over]c. RETIREd. SILVER
023. Choose the closest match: a. SENDb. FLUNKc. FIRE-[terminate]d. BRING-[carry]
024. Choose the closest match: a. ARMYb. EARNc. EXACTd. fast-[quick]
025. Choose the closest match: a. BROKE-[financially]b. figure-outc. MISCHIEVOUSd. NEAR-[close]
026. Choose the closest match: a. HURRY-[rush]-hurryingb. DOLLARc. BOOKSTOREd. ACCEPT
027. Choose the closest match: a. BUSINESSb. HAIR-CUTc. REGISTERd. THAN
028. Choose the closest match: a. APPLYb. FAILc. PREACH > MISSIONARYd. SUBSCRIBE-[get-regularly, SSI, welfare]
029. Choose the closest match: a. NORTHb. MANAGER / ADMINISTRATORc. limitd. CAFETERIA
030. Choose the closest match: a. LAW / legalb. MAIL-[a piece of mail or a letter]c. PARKING-LOTd. TELLER-fs
Double movement: 031. Choose the closest match: a. ALTOGETHER-[total, sum]b. FREEc. PASTOR / PRIESTd. Restaurant
032. Choose the closest match: a. SUPERVISORb. post-officec. PASSd. FLY > PILOT
033. Choose the closest match: a. BUY, purchaseb. DURING-[while]c. FAR-[A hand]d. PAINT
034. Choose the closest match: a. DENTISTb. FISHc. KEEPd. SOPHOMORE
035. Choose the closest match: a. SHOW-[demonstrate]b. RIGHTc. EASTd. EARLY
036. Choose the closest match: a. good-enoughb. more-thanc. SENIORd. too-much
037. Choose the closest match: a. ENOUGHb. GOVERNMENTc. less-thand. perfect
038. Choose the closest match: a. TAKE-CARE-OFb. PLAYc. NUMBERd. HIRE-[invite, welcome]
039. Choose the closest match: a. FAR-[ Index finger]-[distant]b. INCREASEc. POST-[put up a poster]d. WORSE-[figure, times]
040. Choose the closest match: a. BORROWb. CONTROL-MANAGE-[administration, reign, rule-over]c. PLUS-[positive]d. STUDY
041. Choose the closest match: a. SENDb. MOVEc. FLUNKd. FAST-[speed]
042. Choose the closest match: a. ENGLISHb. EXACTc. fast-[quick]d. PAY
043. Choose the closest match: a. BROKE-[financially]b. figure-outc. LEFTd. LOAN-[lend]
044. Choose the closest match: a. HURRY-[rush]-hurryingb. FRONTc. COME-ONd. ACCEPT
045. Choose the closest match: a. DORMb. EQUALc. HAIR-CUTd. REGISTER
046. Choose the closest match: a. APARTMENTb. APPLYc. OFFICEd. SUBSCRIBE-[get-regularly, SSI, welfare]
047. Choose the closest match: a. SHUT-DOWN-[power-outage, power-off, turn-off, blow-out]b. NORTHc. DON'T-MINDd. CAFETERIA
048. Choose the closest match: a. IMPROVEb. LETTER-mailc. PAPERd. PARKING-LOT
049. Choose the closest match: a. ALTOGETHER-[total, sum]b. OTHER-[else]c. PASTOR / PRIESTd. WEST
050. Choose the closest match: a. PASSb. FRESHMANc. FLYd. FIELD-[all-over, -dom, -HOOD, land, area, -ground]
READY TO SUBMIT: I have filled out the above information. I have double checked to make sure each question is marked.